Possible World
Game Host Package
Your opportunity to expand the possibilities of your practice with this internationally acclaimed online gameplay element.
NOTE: Please make sure that you are logged in as a site member before proceeding to register for HosPa.
If you are not a site member yet, you can click "Log in" at the top right corner of this page.
About Possible World Session
The Possible World (PW) sessions are online sessions that provide an opportunity to personally experience the possibilities that emerge from shifting and growing one's mindset (see details here).
If you have not yet experienced our Possible World (PW) session, join one of our discovery sessions!
Possible World as Your Solution
"I'd like to make sessions more fun and meaningful for participants"
"I want a consistent and reliable pathway into effective, experiential learning."
"How can I ensure my clients achieve their ESG and sustainability goals?"
"Connecting clients remotely is going to be an ongoing challenge..."
"My clients need a cultural shift. And staff who can expand their mindset and innovate..."
"I need something unifying to bring management together across all levels -
from C-suite down…"
Become a Possible World Game Host
Possible World session incorporates the gameplay as an element to provide opportunities to earn unique experiences. It is one of P-Lab's signature services and we have provided in a variety of areas, including leadership training, sustainability training, cross-border experience programs and personal transformation programs.
We believe that the transformative benefits of this vital gameplay element from Japan needs to be taken up, utilised and passed on, at scale, around the world, as quickly as possible.
To achieve this, we have developed the Possible World Host Package (HosPa) to provide experienced trainers, facilitators and guides with the keys to our self-learning platform.
The HosPa is a 3 months self-paced online program to learn how to operate the Possible World game module. The more details can be found below.
Once you register for HosPa, you will be certified to access the Possible World Platform and use this gameplay element to wrap your own SME content, for your context, in your own way, so that your organisation and / or clients improvements over time can be securely scaffolded and sustained.
Our Game Hosts Say
HosPa - Features
Self-Paced + Self-Learning x Flexible Themes x Co-Learning
HosPa is Self-Paced learning, but not 'solo flight'.
Within the 3mth HosPa package period, you will self-learn how to operate the Possible World game platform with the help of our self-paced learning content, while taking advantage of regular learning opportunities with your peers, or senior game hosts. That will also help inspire the design and development of your own unique 'Possible World' client experiences.
Your learning experience extends organically as you interact with others around learning and developing the content.
If required, P-Lab also provides a range of additional HosPa learning support packages that complement the HosPa package.
You can download the document here.
Be inspired!
You can utilise this gameplay element to renew existing programmes or create new services. The applications are as limitless as your imagination, from basic one-off workshops to training programmes designed for ongoing client learning processes and, of course, anything in-between these.